Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Summary of Key Points - Why "Thrillers" Thrive.

In this article it is clear to state that we, the audience, go to the cinema to experience second hand "thrills" whilst still feeling detached and secure; things we are unlikely to experience ourselves, yet cause emotional disturbances.

It is part of our nature, that we need these artificial "shake-ups" (which cinema best provides) in order to avoid growing sluggish, but at the same time still keeps us sheltered, as our civilisation has done from experiencing them firsthand, as this is neither feasible or desirable.
Keeping a clear barrier of the performance between the audience and the story, means it can be impersonal and so we still feel safe.
However in order for thrillers to still be effective, we have to feel some connection to the characters consciousness and so vicariously receive our thrills. Although spectating, we also participate. Our imagination allows us to project ourselves into the experience, with the help of the filming:
  point of view shots;
  everyday themes and issues;
  dramatic irony;
  being able to relate to a character and often being involved in their thought processes.

Whilst this is effective, no harm is done as our subconscious is assured we are absolutely safe and it does not undermine the public's feeling of security; yet it still manages to surprise his imagination into often playing tricks on him.

Another way in which cinema allows us to experience "thrills" is not where we seem to participate, but when a character which has won the audience sympathies is involved in danger or peril. It does this so well as it can create the impression of great danger without there being any actual risks.
This can be done by many special effects, selective editing and filming, the subtext and stunts; yet we are led to believe the camera does not lie.
Audiences thrive on thrills and therefore the cinema and director thrive. It is this cycle which makes thrillers so popular; the more wholehearted, exciting and authentic the better!

However "horror" films are not as successful; purely because they aim to supply the desired emotional jolt, exploit sadism, perversion, bestiality and deformity.
This does not bode well, as the public, generally speaking, is healthy-minded and acknowledges that films of such nature are vicious, dangerous and morally wrong; especially as they intended to attract a neurotic section of the public and abuse their power in creating unnatural excitement.
Although some produces of "horrible" films have recognised this and made attempts to tone it down to make it more socially acceptable, by doing so they are unwillingly admitting its basic fallacy.
As the public does not like being deceived horrors will not thrive.

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